Mar 15, 2012

10 Gadgets We Wish Were Real

No. 10
Think about it: all those awkward and embarrassing moments your mom won't let you live down - never mentioned again. That accidental comment you made to your girlfriend - didn't even happen. The possibilities are endless.

No. 9
Sure makes that universal remote you got at Best Buy seem not-so-universal, now, doesn't it?

No. 8
The DeLorean is just a given. But seriously, who wouldn't want a hoverboard?! Especially one with 80s-tastic decals.

No. 7
It'd be like having the power to read people's minds, except you could turn it off and on. Plus you'd look pretty badass holding this bad boy.

No. 6
The Iron Man suit is cool and all that, but the real brains behind the operation is JARVIS. Besides, it's not like we want to save the world in a super-suit. We just want a version of Siri who can do anything.

No. 5
Remember how while Neo or Trinity or anybody was in the Matrix, Tank could basically upload any kind of knowledge into their plugged-in minds? Yeah, we want that.

No. 4
It's a freaking teleportation device! Need we say more? Beam us up, Scotty!

No. 3
And we mean universal. Learning a language takes a long time, and sometimes you don't have a long time. Sometimes you need to be able to ask, "Who the hell are you people and why am I in this tub of ice?!" right freaking now.

No. 2
Aside from the fact that it doesn't do wood, this little baby is pretty limitless in it's abilities. Batteries and Matt Smith not included.

No. 1
If you're a pet owner, you know how frustrating it can be when your furry friend won't shut up and you have no idea what the problem is. Consider that done.

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